3. What do you want to be in the future? 将来何になりたい?
YouTubeの動画チャンネルEnglish Singsingより。
What do you want to be in the future?「将来何になりたい?」です。それぞれ役割を決めてストーリーに合わせてロールプレイをしながら英語を学びましょう!動画の最初では、会話の見本が流れ、その後、会話の部分の音が消えますので、字幕テロップに沿って英語を話してみましょう!
Anne: John. Hi! What are you doing now?
John: Hi. I’m doing my science homework.
Anne: There goes Jessica! She is probably on her way to practice tennis.
Olivia: Yes. She practices very hard. She will become a great tennis player.
John: It’s good to see her working hard for her dream.
Anne: That’s right.
Olivia: Anne! What do you want to be when you grow up?
Anne: I want to be a singer in the future.
Olivia: Oh really? I bet you can do it! You are better in dancing and singing than all of us.
Anne: Thank you. But do you think I can do it?
Olivia: You dance and sing everyday! I’m pretty sure you can make it.
Anne: Thanks! What do you want to be in the future?
Olivia: I love animals. I want to work in a zoo.
Anne: Do you want to be a vet?
Olivia: Not really a vet, but instead, I want to feed animals and take care of them.
John: You mean, you want to be a keeper?
Olivia: Yes, that’s right.
John: This homework is too much and boring. I wish I can be an adult.
Anne: What do you want to be when you grow up?
John: Hmm. I don’t know. It changes everyday.
Olivia: Wow, that’s interesting. So what are you thinking today?
John: I want to be an astronaut. I wish I can explore the Mars.
Olivia: Splendid!
Anne: What about finishing up your science homework first?
John: Alright. I’m going to Mars for sure.